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Ashley Moss Fox

Early Childhood, Flute, Flute Choir - RCMS


Ashley Moss Fox currently serves as the PreK Music and Movement Specialist for the Rochester City School District in Rochester, New York where she supports classroom teachers in integrating music and movement into the curriculum. During the summer months, Ashley serves on the faculty of the Rochester Flute Association Flute Camp hosted by Hochstein School of Music and Dance. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, she is very active within the professional community, regularly presenting at local, state, and national music education conferences. Ashley currently serves as the President-Elect for the New York chapter of the Gordon Institute for Music Learning, and is working toward her Early Childhood and Elementary General levels. In her spare time, she enjoys performing with the Roberts Wesleyan College Community Orchestra and her flute quartet.

Prior to returning to the Rochester area, Ashley completed her Master of Music in Music Education at Michigan State University. While there, she served as a Lead Teacher in the Early Childhood Music program at Michigan State University Community Music School and taught early childhood and elementary general music courses for undergraduate teacher education majors.

Ashley completed her Master of Music in Music Education at Michigan State University in 2015 and her Bachelor of Music in Music Education at Roberts Wesleyan College in 2011.